
Christmas section open!

I made a Christmas section in the main shop!
I have exhibited the Christmas items.
December Sweets Gacha also we were set up! (Not new)
It is an old item, but we have also set up lucky board of Christmas hat.

DownDownDown Main shop

Red nose

Red nose

Price= 50L$
Permission=Mod Copy OK
Prim=each 1Li
Mesh=Yes,No rigged
DDD_Red nose(Red) /(nose)
DDD_Red nose(Blue)/(nose)
DDD_Red nose(Green)/(nose)
DDD_Red nose(Black)/(nose)
DDD_Red nose(White)/(nose)

This item is only nose.
Horn is not included in the product.


Party hat Giver(Xmas)

This item can wear a party hat by touch.
Party hat will change patterns in random.
Attached item does not enter into the inventory, So your inventory is not in chaos.

Party hat Giver(Xmas)

Price= 250L$
Permission=Copy OK
(Party hat Giver(Xmas)_Display Mod & Copy Ok)
Prim=1Li+1Li~(Temporary Rez)
(Party hat Giver(Xmas)_Display Li)
Party hat Giver(Xmas)
Mesh=Yes,No rigged
DDD_Party hat Giver(Xmas) / (Rez)
DDD_Party hat Giver(Xmas)_Display / (Rez)
DDD_Party hat Giver(Xmas)_info / (texture)
DDD_Party hat Giver(Xmas)_manual / (notecard)

To use this item, you must have two or more of the land impact in addition to land impact of the body.
The script must be Rez temporarily item in order to attach the Hat.
Wearing hat will disappear when the you will logout.
"Party hat Giver (Xmas) _Display" is the hat for decoration. You can change the texture and options.

Hat pattern and rare option

How to Use
Land impact is need free of more than 1Li in addition to the Party hat Giver (Xmas) body.

1. Please Touch the Party hat Giver (Xmas).
2. The dialog comes out, please press the "Wear a hat" button.

3. will be asked whether to allow the permission (attached), please press the "Yes".

4. You can wear a hat.

DDD_Party hat Giver(Xmas)_Display
Rare option horns and red nose
Rare option of glasses


Creators Collection Box 4 !

Leg warmers

Price=360L$ → 252L$ (Pre-sale & 30% OFF)
Permission=Mod Copy OK
Prim= Per one 5prim , 3Landimpact.
Script=Yes(texture change ~ Control by the description field )
Mesh=Yes,Use rigged
DDD_Leg warmers_(L) / (L Upper Leg)
DDD_Leg warmers_(R) / (R Upper Leg)
DDD_Leg warmers HUD /(Top Left)
DDD_Leg warmers_AlphaA/(Alpha layer)
DDD_Leg warmers_AlphaB/(Alpha layer)
DDD_Leg warmers_description/(texture)

DDD_Leg warmers_manual / (note card)

This item is fitted mesh, the item will be deformed by the shape.
Please try DEMO before you buy. The impression at the time of wearing the item might cause unlike the "POP" by Shape.

The deformation due to Shape

Present Handpose(wear)

DDD_Present Handpose(wear)

Free gift at Creators Collection Box 4!
Gift box with Pose.

Creators Collection Box

all item 20%~50% off!


■DDD_Leg warmers manual ■

 You can change the texture by HUD. 
Script of this item has been managed by the explanation column. 
Do not change the description field. 
 If you happen to change the description field, please put in the description field the following string. See the attached image texture corresponding portion.
Please reset the script when you have to re-link.

■Name list of the Description field■

DDD_Leg warmers_Body
DDD_Leg warmers_Metal
DDD_Leg warmers_Ribbon
DDD_Leg warmers_Cord
DDD_Leg warmers_Light



Ornament tape(Fatsia)

Permission=Mod Copy OK
Prim= 5prim , 5Landimpact.
Script=Yes(texture change ~ Control by the description field )
Mesh=Yes,Use rigged
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)/(L Upper Arm) 
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_HUD1.1 
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_description/(texture) 
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_manual / (note card)



Shopping & Game. 
2015/11/21~12/26 00:00(slt)

■Ornament tape(Fatsia)manual ■

You can change the texture by touching the item. 
Script of this item has been managed by the explanation column. 

Do not change the description field. 
 If you happen to change the description field, please put in the description field the following string. See the attached image texture corresponding portion.
Please reset the script when you have to re-link.

■Name list of the Description field■

DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_Metal
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_TapeA
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_TapeB
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_OrnamentL
DDD_Ornament tape(Fatsia)_OrnamentR