
Specimen(Sky Memory)Large

Specimen(Sky Memory)Large(wear)

Specimen(Sky Memory)Large

Permission=Mod Copy OK
Prim= 4prim 2 Landimpact(0.25m*0.28m*0.50m)
Script=Yes(texture change ~ Control by the description field )
Mesh=Yes,No rigged
DDD_Specimen(Sky Memory)Large//(for Rez)
DDD_Specimen(Sky Memory)Large(wear)//(L hand)
DDD_Specimen manual (En/Jp)//(notecard)
DDD_Specimen(Sky Memory)description_large//(texture)

This product is Mine Shaft Hunt pre-sale

Mine Shaft Hunt 
2014/11/1~ 2014/11/30 (SLT/PDT)
DownDownDow booth

Specimen manual

 You can change the texture by touching the "Specimen".

 The script of this product has a management with the name of the "Description" of the object. Script will work if you add the prim or unlink the item.
  •  Refer to the "Specimen description" To check the position of the description.
  • Please do not change the "description" of the product. Please re-enter Correct description if you happen to change by mistake. Please be careful as space key does not enter into the description field.
  • Set as main prim, the prim containing the script.
  • Note applies to all prims is "DDD_Specimen(Sky Memory)_Stone" the Description field if you want to change the texture of the "Stone” for example.

Name list of the Description field

  • DDD_Specimen(Sky Memory)_Stone
  • DDD_Specimen(Sky Memory)_Base


This feature allows you to change the range of people that can be put out the dialog. (Function for Rez) 
  • [Owner]Only an owner can use a dialog. 
  • [Everyone] All of the people I will be able to issue a dialog. 
  • [Group] Those who activate the same group tag as the owner of an object and the group of this object can use a dialog. Change of a group can be performed from the General tab of Build tool. 

Wooden cube 0.5m*0.5m*0.5m