TOT hut Prize |
New item(Gacha) |
Pumpkin of Panic in Okinawa
●For more information on the photo contest please get from the event poster. (There is also a shop of DownDownDown)
●Trick or Treat hunt(ToT hunt)
"Trick or Treat hunt"(ToT hunt) is Advent calendar-style event.
You can get an item in the daily changing.
Per one of the shops, it will be active only for 24 hours of-determined date.
This event should be a caution because Japan time reference (JST).
If you forget got the item, after the appropriate day you can buy in the 50L $.
10/3 (JST) →
10/2 AM 8:00 -
10/3 AM 7:59 (SLT)
How to receive the item
- Stand in front of the active door
- The next to the door of the sales booth to knock (touch).
- Fill in the "trick or trea" in the dialog.
- Get items
DownDownDown the second half