
Mesh Kgagami Moti

Price= 180L$
Permission=Mod Copy OK
Prim=  2prim , 1 Landimpact.
(H0.6m W 0.6m D 0.6m/Max H1.7m W1.7m D 1.8m)
Mesh=Yes,No rigged
DDD_Mesh Kgagami Moti(w)
DDD_Mesh Kgagami Moti(b)

※There is a custom of decorating the Kagami mochi in New Year in Japan

A standard size.(H0.6m W 0.6m D 0.6m)
 It is 1Li and is the maximum size.(H1.7m W1.7m D 1.8m)
wooden cube(0.5m×0.5m×0.5m)

Brown wood base & white wood base


Group gift(Magic Coaster(Dec.))

Magic Coaster(Dec.)

Permission=Copy OK
Prim=  2prim , 2 Landimpact.(Coaster 1Li, Cocktail 1Li)
Script=Yes(Drink Giver/Dialog range change)
Mesh=Yes,No rigged
DDD_December cocktail
DDD_Dec. cocktail(object)
DDD_Magic Coaster(Dec.) manual(notecard)

To use this item requires 2Li free of land. (Coaster 1Li, drink 1Li)

This item is a group gift. Receive from the group notification, or please receive a gift from the main shop POP. (If you want to receive in the main shop, there is a need to activate the group tag of DownDownDown)

Period : 2014/12/31

DownDownDown main shop

How to use

Touch the coaster.
select the drink 
 Then, drink comes out on top of the coaster, please touch it.
Please press the OK button so permit dialog of anime comes out.

Then you drink a cocktail.


December Gacha available

"December limit of Gacha" is now available !
This is the sale of this month only.
I do not have a sales schedule of this year's new limited Gacha.

DownDownDown Main store

December sweets  Gacha

December sweets 2 Gacha

December sweets 3 Gacha

December sweets 4 Gacha